Sergey Myagkih
Sergey Myagkih

Художник Сергей Мягких

Наступает момент, когда мы забываем, что рисунок состоит из линий и пятен, мы видим, как на обычном листе ватмана или в школьной тетради возникает мир, созданный по велению сердца, словно вселенная, где мы, зрители, приглашены к участию в продолжении ее создания.



Humans are sensitive to cold. Snowblindness, norovirus, seasonal depression, slipping on black ice and falling icicles are other health concerns associated with cold and snowy weather.

Mândrie și beton
 Mândrie și beton

Mândrie si beton – un proiect fotografic de Petruț Călinescu

Dacă îl cauți acasă pe țăranul român azi, n-ai să-l găsești. E plecat la muncă în străinătate. Și vrea să știi asta. Ți-a lăsat un mesaj – o casa din beton cu patru etaje, atât de mare “că poți să întorci tirul în ea”.

Proverbs and Gallows
Proverbs and Gallows

Proverbs and Gallows
Pieter Bruegel the Elder

“As Eunapius says in his commentary on Iamblichus, painters who paint pretty young people and wish to add some charm and grace of their own completely destroy the image presented to them, and stray both from the exemplar set before them and from true form. From this fault our Bruegel was free.”

“Tribute to Bruegel” by Abraham Ortelius
from Album Amicorum


Views of Crimea
Carl Von Kugelgen

Carl Kugelgen painted many landscapes, and executed many drawings of the scenery of Russia, both in the northern and southern provinces. He made two journeys in the Crimea for the express purpose of painting its seenery.

Lyuba Rapoport
Lyuba Rapoport

Lyuba Rapoport. Kiev in painting

“As regards my credo, it`s not interesting and difficult for me to formulate it. When work is complete all – I wanna say has been said in it.”
L. Rapoport

New Bruegel
New Bruegel

Unknown Bruegel masterpiece

“The discovery of the painting is fantastic news for the history of art,” Prado director Miguel Zugaza said.

The tempera on linen painting measuring is dated between 1565 and 1568. It depicts a crowd of about 100 people scrambling madly to get a sample of the year’s first vintage from a barrel on St. Martin’s feast day.


Existence. Kiev 2005
Photographs by Oleg Tishkovets

„If I reflect on the concept of being, I will be obliged to introduce the opposite concept, that of nothing. You can’t reflect on your existence without immediately realizing that you won’t always exist. The tension between being and nothing becomes resolved in the concept of becoming. Because if something is in the process of becoming, it both is and is not.” (Jostein Gaarder)


Ion D. Sîrbu despre Mioriţa

“Fără Mioriţa noi n-am fi fost niciodată poeţi. Ne-ar fi lipsit această dimensiune fundamentală. Mioriţa este şcoala tristeţii naţionale. Matricea. Matca. Regina.” (Nichita Stănescu în Amintiri din prezent)

Josef Sudek
Josef Sudek

Josef Sudek
by Charles Sawyer

The effect is enchanting, and strongly conveys the human element which is the true content of his photographs. For, throughout all his photography, there is one dominant mood, one consistent viewpoint, and one overriding philosophy. The mood is melancholy and the point of view is romanticism.

Yuri Khymych
Yuri Khymych

Yuri Khymych

“I myself am far from being young anymore, and i recall my childhood and adult years with joy and with sorrow. But if i regret anything, it is only that i could have done more, but didn’t…”

Perception of Depth
Perception of Depth

Perception of Depth.
Oleg Tishkovets

Depth perception is the visual ability to perceive the world in three dimensions. Although any animal capable of moving around its environment must be able to sense the distance of objects in that environment, the term perception is reserved for humans, who are, as far as is known, the only beings that can tell each other about their experiences of distances.


Péter Korniss – Attachment 1967 – 2008

“The gift of photography is that we can preserve even the most ephemeral subject: man – in the world he created and in which he lives.”

Diana Sudyka
Diana Sudyka

Interview with Diana Sudyka

Diana Sudyka is an illustrator and printmaker living and working in the Chicago area. Her printmaking background includes working as master printer for studios such as Big Cat Press in Chicago, and Landfall Press (now located in Santa Fe, New Mexico).


From communism to consumerism
Silviu Ghetie

After the 1989 revolution the Romanians changed their style of life. All that was not available for them during communism was now invading the market, food, clothes, vehicles, electronics and so on.


The period of Time
Pieter Bruegel the Elder

Beyond the question of the number of panels in the original series is the issue of which months are represented in each panel, and how literally the period of time covered should be understood.


Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Paul Gauguin
Auvers-sur-Oise, c. 17 June 1890
My dear friend Gauguin,

Thank you for having written to me again, my dear friend, and rest assured that since my return I have thought of you every day.


Fotografii de Oleg Tishkovets
1991 – 99

Nu am stat prea mult pe gânduri când am ales titlul seriei mele. I-am spus simplu “Ambient”. De ce “Ambient”? Desigur, pot să vă explic. Pentru mine, ambient înseamnă tot ceea ce ne înconjoară, dar în sensul că totul din jur te împresoară ca aerul, ca atmosfera.


About suffering they were never wrong,
The Old Masters; how well, they understood
Its human position; how it takes place
While someone else is eating or opening a window or just walking dully along;
