Art school

Text și fotografii de Silviu Gheție

“Nunta e un cîmp de bătălie, unde emoţiile curg gîrlă.”

Sergey Myagkih
Sergey Myagkih

Художник Сергей Мягких

Наступает момент, когда мы забываем, что рисунок состоит из линий и пятен, мы видим, как на обычном листе ватмана или в школьной тетради возникает мир, созданный по велению сердца, словно вселенная, где мы, зрители, приглашены к участию в продолжении ее создания.

Şcoala 9
Şcoala 9

Şcoala 9

“To take a photograph is to align the head, the eye and the heart. It’s a way of life.” (Henri Cartier-Bresson)


Pieter Bruegel the Elder
The Peasant Dance

If Bruegel idealized peasant life in his seasonal paintings, he naturalized it in his genre paintings. For it is in this paintings that the peasants show no signs of despair over th quality of their lives. To the contrary, they celebrate life despite its hardships. They feast. They drink. They dance. They make music. They kiss.They make love
