“I myself am far from being young anymore, and I
recall my childhood and adult years with joy and
with sorrow. But if I regret anything, it is only that
I could have done more, but didn’t…Even today, I
take paintbrush in hand with great trepidation, yet
I continue working, though now mostly in my studio.
My subjects, of course, remain the same – architectural
masterpieces of Ukraine…”
Yuri Khymych
Podil Ensemble
1993, Gouache, 100×72cm

St. Kyril’s Church
1991, Tempera, 85×52

Chapel of the Three Church Fathers. Lviv.
1966, Tempera, 90×40

Ensemble of the Khan’s Palace, Town of Bakhchysarai, Crimea.
1968, Gouache, 84×62
Yuri Khymych
(12 april 1928, Kameniets-Podilskiy – 2003, Kiev)
Was born in Kamyanets – Podilsky, Khmelnytsk Region
on 12, April, 1928. Architect and artist. Honoured Art
Worker of Ukraine, the member of the National Artists
Union in Ukraine, honorary member of the Academy of
Architecture in Ukraine.
Graduated from Kyiv Engineering – Building Institute in
1959, post – graduate department in the Academy of
Architecture in Ukraine in 1959. Taught painting and
drawing in Kyiv Engineering – Building Institute from
1964 till 1984. The author of many series of works in
which the artistic and aesthetical peculiarities of the
monuments of ancient architecture are reflected.
From the book
“Masterpieces of Ukrainian Architecture
in the Artwork of Yuri Khymych”
produced by Natalie Jaresko and Ihor Figlus.
Kyiv: A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishing Co., 1999